CPU and GPU Quiz

How much do you know about CPUs and GPUs?

CPU Section

1. Is the newest 8th generation of CPUs from Intel in short supply?

2. What is the name of the 8th generation CPU from Intel?

3. What is the name of the latest mainstream consumer CPU from AMD?

4. How many cores and threads does the latest i7 from Intel have?

5. How many cores and threads does the latest r7 from AMD have?

6. The i9 from Intel directly competes with what CPU from AMD?

7. Are all i3, i5, and i7 CPUs overclockable?

GPU Section

8. RX Vega 64 from Radeon (AMD) directly competes with what GPU from Nvidia?

9. Why are graphics cards in short supply?

10. What type of memory does the 1080 Ti use?

11. What type of memory does the RX Vega 64 use?

12. What architecture does Nvidia's 1000 series use?